Saturday, April 21, 2012


Please stop by the Festival table at the back of the Church to see how you might be able to help us this year with the Festival. Don't forget those raffle tickets!! Our Candidates will be out and about selling theirs, so if you can buy some from them, it will help them in their run for queen. You can help by: Sponsoring a booth, bring some items for the food booth, sign up to help in one of the booths and sell those raffle tickets!! Thank you.
Thank you family for your overwhelming support of our McDonald's fundraiser.  God sent our family to support us and to have fellowship.  Let's keep this spirit of fellowship alive and thriving.   Don't rush home today but stop by the hall and nourish the spirit of St. Agatha through fellowship and a little coffee and doughnuts for your body.
Please keep our Confirmation students in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament on May 9th from Bishop Alex Salazar.