Sunday, September 28, 2008


I'd like to call your attention to a couple of things in the bulletin:

1.    Healing Mass on Oct. 9th.

2.    Casino Night on Oct. 18th

3.    Regional Religious Education Congress on Oct. 25th

4.    Meeting for leaders in the parish to give input to our Regional Council and Bishop Ed Clark on Oct. 21st.


All of these are important for you to take a moment to read about in the bulletin. Please take a copy home with you today.


Tickets for Casino night are on sale at the back of the Church.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Sign ups for the Directory are available at the back of the Church after all Masses today. These sign ups are for October dates only.


Thank you to Carol Ivy and all who helped to make the Parish Picnic so much fun last week. We will sorely miss Carol and her husband Jonathan and son Jonathan as they will be moving to Claremont in Oct. Our prayers go with them and our heartfelt thanks.


Thank you also to Jackie Gibbson and those who helped her to make the Food and Wine Festival such a wonderful event. I know that everyone had a great time chatting and tasting and sipping!!!


Don't forget to come to the Hall at 11:45am today for a viewing of Fr. Dominic's film "Out of Darkness". He will also be here to share some thoughts with us.


Our Book sale is next week-end, so come prepared to replenish your book shelves.