We have a second collection today for Catholic Relief services. The envelopes are in the pews for your use, or just put your offering in the basket.
Our Lenten Penance Service is tomorrow, Monday, evening at 7pm. Our daily Mass will be at 8am tomorrow.
There will be a farewell for Beverly Donatto next Sunday after the 10:00 am Mass in the Hall. Please come by to join us in saying farewell to Beverly.
There will also be a Candle Party in the Hall beginning at 12noon to help raise funds for our youth attending WYD 2011. These candles and many other items are very attractive and affordable. Just come by and see what they have to offer. There will be refreshments etc. also.
There will no Religious Education classes next Saturday because of Congress, please check your schedule for the following dates.
The SHARE ministry invites you to stop by the Bake Sale in the Placita. Come purchase a homemade baked goodie, get a cup of coffee and sit down and enjoy the company of your church family. This is a perfect opportunity during Lent to reach out and invite someone new to join your circle of church family at your table.
The Rome Pilgrims will be in the Placita as well to share their pictures and stories about the trip. There will be an information flyer on our next trip in Nov. of 2011.
I would like to introduce Tom Brandlin from Queen's Care to share with us today.