Monday, December 12, 2011

DEC. 10TH – 11TH

1. We have a second collection today for the Retirement Fund for Religious Men and Women throughout the United States. As you know the money from the collection goes to a general fund in D.C. and is then distributed to Religious Congregations according to their need. Most Religious Congregations have many elderly priests, sisters and brothers and do not have the funds needed to take care of them. What you give helps to give these religious a decent life until the Lord calls them. Thank you for whatever you can give.
2. Today in the parking lot visit the S.H.A.R.E. sale of Christmas Ornaments and gift bags.  Personalized ornaments that can be placed on the Christmas Memorial Tree in honor/ memory of a love one are available for $2.00 per ornament
Sign up sheets are at the S.H.A.R.E. Table today.  Please stop by to see where you can volunteer.  Those who signed up to volunteer on Christmas Day please go to the table as your sign up is not complete.
The Christmas Day Dinner needs list are available if you need one.  Please check this list to see what is needed.  Toiletries, caps, gloves, socks and new blankets, now that it is cold, are a big need for our men, women and children guests.
Please bring the used items you have been saving for the Christmas Day Dinner on Sunday DEC 18, 8-5p- during the week Monday -Thursday 10-4pm.   We can only accept donations at this time in the hall.  Please do not leave in any other area. 
3.    Joe will be decorating for Christmas on Dec. 22nd. If you can help please come to the Church by 9am. If you would like to help with decorations, we could use red poinsettia plants and strings of small white lights. You can bring these next week to church.
4.    Our Pastor's Awards ceremony will be on Sunday evening, Feb. 5th after the 5:30pm Mass in the Hall. More information will be coming next week.
5.    There are still families for adoption for Christmas as well as Angels for gifts. Please see Gloria after Mass.
6.    Our Advent Penance Service is on Monday evening, Dec. 19th at 7pm in the Church. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

December 3rd -4th

1. Please join us to our Annual Soup Supper tomorrow Monday at 7:00 p.m. at our Parish Hall. Come and let us enjoy soup and an Advent reflection together.
2. Next Sunday at the S.H.A.R.E. Table in the parking lot  we will have available HAND DECORATED  LARGE CHRISTMAS TREE  ORNAMENTS FOR $5.00 , MED. $3.00, HAND DECORATED GIFT BAGS FOR $4.00 AND   PERSONALIZE CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTS SMALL $1.00 AND $2.00 FOR MED.  We will decorate the Christmas Tree in the hall DURING THE WEEK OF DECEMBER.. 18.  If you would like to purchase an ornament to be personalized in memory of a love one you are welcomed to place it on the S.H.A.R.E. TREE.  Sorry no outside ornaments or $1.00 ornaments can be placed on the tree.
3. We need your help to distribute flyers to the needy, homeless, lonely or just need a place to be guests that you wish to invite to the FREE CHRISTMAS DAY DINNER, please stop by the table to pick up.
4. Please continue to bring toiletry items and non perishable food donations and place in the barrel each Sunday.
5. Volunteer signups for the dinner begin today.  Please stop by and see where you can donate your TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE to serve up hope, love, joy and nourishment for body of our guests.
6. Discount Bus Vouchers will be distributed after mass.  
7. ______________ has an important message on Adopt-A-Family.
Saturday 5:30 p.m. Gloria Walker
8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Vikki Rodriguez
5:30 p.m. Gloria Walker