Sunday, August 31, 2008


Our Parish Picnic will be next Sunday. I hope you are all planning on attending. Sign up sheets for the community table offerings; helpers with the bar-b-que; setting up and taking down the tables and canopies and other things are on the table at the back of the church. Please stop by and see what else is needed. This is our Picnic, so let's plan on having a great day together.


The Food and Wine Festival will be on Friday, Sept. 12th. If you have not purchased your ticket yet, please plan on doing so soon. It will help the restaurants know how much food to prepare. You can buy them at the Parish Office or at the back of the church after Mass today.


I am looking for two women, English speaking, who can help us put on the Sunday breakfasts. We have two women from the Hispanic community and would like to share the load. This means you would only have to organize a breakfast once every two months. If this is something you have skills for, please see me after Mass today.


Our Book sale will be on Sunday, Sept. 21st after all the Masses in the Hall. You can still bring books up till the 14th


Fr. Dominic will show his new Film, "Out of Darkness" on Sunday, Sept. 14th at 10:45am in the Hall. I hope you can plan on being there to support him and enjoy the film.

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