Monday, December 29, 2008


Thank you to all who helped make our Christmas Dinner such a wonderful experience. May you be blessed a thousand fold!!


We are having a raffle in conjunction with our Pastor's Awards dinner. Raffle books are available to take after Mass this week-end. You can give credit for your book to one of the candidates and help them to become the King or Queen of the evening. Please support this fundraiser if you can.


Dinner Tickets for the Pastor's Awards dinner are now on sale at the table at the back of church today.


Masses for New Year's will be: Wed. evening at 6:30pm and Thursday at 8am. Both will be bi-lingual celebrations.

If you want to bring in the New Year with prayer, don't forget Fr. Joe's mass at Holy Name of Jesus on Wed. evening beginning at 7pm.


On behalf of the staff, Fr. Bill, Deacon Ricardo and Sr. Karen, may you all have a wonderful New Year's and a blessed 2009.

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