Saturday, April 17, 2010


We have our pre-ride tickets available today after all the Masses. We are also taking sign ups for donations, volunteers and booth sponsors. Please take a few minutes to stop by the tables and see how you can help us make the International Festival a great success.


The ushers will now hand out a book of raffle tickets to each person or family. If you each sold one book, we would make our needed goal.


The St. Vincent de Paul truck is in the parking lot, on the field to gather your donations. If you forgot, you can always go home and return with them. Thank you.


Fr. Dominic's concert returns to St. Agathas. He and his Dominican classmate Fr. John Paul, who grew up in our parish, will sing their unique a capella program, The Black & White Concert: a friendship in song, on Friday, May 14th at 8pm in the church. Beginning with black and white spirituals, Dominic and John Paul share the music that brought them together and that has brought other black and white American together through the centuries. A free will offering will be taken, and CDs and DVDs will be available.


We are also taking sign ups for volunteers to help with the Parish Census on the first two week-ends of May. If you can give us 10-15 minutes after a Mass, please consider helping out.


Maggie has some Sees Easter candy for sale, gift certificates and candy. Please stop by the Youth table and see what she has left. The kids also have their fundraising cards for sale for $20.


Coffee and Donuts are in the hall.


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