Saturday, July 25, 2009


1. A BIG thank-you to all who attended our parish picnic and to all the volunteers and unsung heroes who made the day such a delightful success.


2. Today is the Blood Drive! If you have signed up to donate your blood, please go bleed in the hall immediately!!!!!!!!!!


3. We will be having registration for Religious Education today from 8 AM to 3 PM in Room 4 of the school. Register immediately or plan to spend a VERY long time in Purgatory!!!!!!


4. We are in need of "fill-in" money counters. We have just enough counters to cover our Masses, but if someone gets sick or goes on vacation, we are stuck, so would anyone be interested in filling in now and then? The job has awkward hours: it's on Sundays from @ 7:30 AM to 1 PM. This makes Mass attendance difficult and breakfast impossible, but it only would happen now and then. If interested, let Sr. Karen, Marcello, our business manager, Deacon Ricardo or Fr. Bill know.


5. Margie Nickleberry has the Metro bus ticket discount vouchers for those who need them.


6. And, we are collecting your donations of school supplies to pass on for Sophia Berkeley 's "Celebration of Education" packages at the table in the parking lot.


7. On Wednesday evening, the choir will be conducting its annual "Concert Under the Stars" as a fund-raiser for Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino. If you are able to attend, please do; this is a delightful evening, and one that benefits the retreat center that is so generous to our parish in giving us unbelievable discounts.

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