Thursday, August 6, 2009

AUGUST 1st-2nd

1. Registration for religious education is taking place in the hall today, from 8 AM to 3 PM. Today is the last day to register for 1st Communion preparation. So, if you have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews or "3rd cousins twice removed" that should be registered for this sacrament, get them registered TODAY!


2. As Mrs. Margie Nickleberry always says: "Nobody can do everything but EVERYONE CAN DO SOMETHING!" So…it's  up to YOU! Please bring your school supplies donation for the children to the table in the parking lot today and next Sunday.


3. Metro bus discount vouchers are still available today at the table in the parking lot.


4. Next Sunday, St Vincent de Paul will be selling breakfast; please come with a good appetite.

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