Saturday, August 22, 2009

AUGUST 22nd-23rd

1. WE ARE HOLDING A "RECESSION DANCE" on Saturday, September 12, from 7 to 11 PM, in the parish hall. Tickets are $10, and we also need donations of beer, sodas, water, and corn chips and cheese for nachos. I think this will be a delightful way to kick off the autumn season and the rush of activities that always accompany this time of year as all committees and organizations come back from vacation and start to get busy. Come and have fun with us!


2. If you are thinking of becoming a Catholic, or if you are already a Catholic and simply longing to deepen your faith, OR, if you are merely a spiritual seeker who is interested in learning something of the "inner path," then think about entering the RCIA program. The letters stand for: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. While it is designed for those seeking baptism, it IS an "initiation" into the spiritual life, and a good source of inspiration if your spiritual life is currently sort of stale. There is information in the hall, today, from 8 AM through 2 PM, or call the parish office.


3. The Holiday boutique will be held on Sunday, November 22, in the hall. Vendor space is available for those who do handcraft. If  you're interested call Margie whose # is in the bulletin.


 4. Don't miss the bulletin announcement of Fr. Ken's upcoming book signing on Sunday August, 30, from 1 to 3 PM at Chevaliers Book Store on Larchmont. Show up and surprise him!


5. Our second collection next weekend will be for the foreign missions. This is an annual collection that supports the Church's outreach to mission territories throughout the world.


6. Discount vouchers for the Metro Bus will be available next Sunday August 30.  A reminder for the parents of the children who will need to now take public transportation there are student discount tickets vouchers.  These vouchers are for Sept-Dec.  The next distribution date will be the last Sunday in October.


7. Thank you notes are in the bulletin from Margie Nickleberry regarding clothing donations for the children, Tére Amezcua regarding donations of materials for the religious education program, and from Gloria Walker regarding your wonderful support for the St. Vincent de Paul Society.


8. AND, our own Ms. Ashley Merryman, a member of the choir and the woman in charge of the  Tutoring Program has co-authored a book that will be featured on "Good Morning, America," "All Things Considered," "Newsweek," and "Nightline," to name a few. She'll be leaving on the 30th to start a series of appearances regarding the book. The book is called "Nurture Shock," and we will be asking her to do a presentation in the parish in October (we think…). So, hats off to Ashley! And please let us know what else is happening in our congregation. So many of us are so involved in arts and sciences, in politics and the justice system, in health care and education. Let your "Light Shine," and let us celebrate your successes with you!


9. Keep your eyes open for Fall Adult Ed offerings. Fr. Bill is offering a class in Bible in Spanish

and an English Bible Study session each week.

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