Saturday, July 20, 2013

JULY 20TH-21st

You are invited to a presentation to celebrate the Year of Faith: Seelos: Doctor of Souls is a drama about Fr. Seelos, who was an affable, itinerant priest in the 1800's whose powerful prayers of intercession resulted in the healing of countless people around the country. The play will be on Wednesday, July 24th at 7:00 p.m. here at the church. Entrance is free and there will be a free will offering.
The Annual Penny Collection Drive for the Back to School Supplies begins today. Your pennies will be used to purchase school supplies for our Saturday children guests and for the children who are registered in the church. Please bring your pennies today and next week and place in the jar on the table behind the church. We can pool our resources to supply for children's needs.
Please bring used clean and wearable children's clothing and shoes to the PC on August 3, 10-2pm.   These will be distributed on August 3 to our guests.  Please only bring children's, youth and teens clothing.
CCD Registrations are being accepted today at the St. Martin de Porres Room after mass. Please remember that space is limited.
Finally, our parish staff has issued a statement on the results of Florida's ruling. You may find it in our website and in our bulletin. Let's continue to pray for peace and justice. 

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