Saturday, July 6, 2013


1. On Monday, July 1, the Governor of California signed a historic piece of legislation called the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) into law which benefits children from working, low income families. This law will give more funds to schools with greatest needs and less to those schools in affluent, wealthy neighborhoods. Through the use of scholarships, LCFF will reduce college tuition of up to 40% for college bound students. The new law also cuts lots of bureaucratic red tape and establishes local, accountable controls on the use of these funds.
LA Voice is inviting you to join us for a meeting of parents with children in public schools to learn and share together about the meaning of this new legislation for our children. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 9 at 7:00 PM at Saint Agatha's Parish Hall. Call the parish office for more information.
2. Registration for Religious Education for the upcoming year is going on now. Please check the bulletin for details.
3. Our Gospel choir is giving a concert at Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino on July 17th at 7:30pm. Josie Broehm will be outside of church today if you would like to purchase tickets.
4. Sign ups are being taken today after the 10 and 12:15 Masses for youth and Seniors who would like to participate in the Wellness program.
5. Mark your calendars for the play on the life of Fr. Seelos being performed here at St. Agatha's on July 24th at 7pm in the Church. Admission is free and a "love offering" will be taken up at the end.
6. After 7am Mass – please join us in the Placita to celebrate Deacon Ricardo's 10th Anniversary of ordination.
    After the 8:30am Mass – please join us in the Placita to celebrate Fr. Frank's 25th Anniversary of ordination.

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