Saturday, December 12, 2009

DEC. 12TH-13TH

Today we have a second collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious in the United States. This fund is taken up annually to help religious congregations who have many elderly sisters, brothers and priests and need monetary assistance to take care of them. Thank you for your support.


Next Sunday St. Vincent De Paul is having a Pancake breakfast and pictures with Santa in the Hall. They need donations for this breakfast if anyone can help out. Please see Gloria Walker after the masses. Also do not forget to pick up an Angel for the giving tree and if you can still adopt a family, please stop by their table in the Hall.


SHARE and St. Vincent de Paul are also having a sale today in the Hall. Please go over and do some last minute Christmas shopping or just buy something to help them out. They have Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa gifts. List of needs for the dinner are also available. If you can volunteer the week before Christmas or on Christmas, please sign up at the table.


The Pastor's Awards dinner will be on Saturday, January 30th at the Delancey Center in LA. Our awardees this year are:

     Herminio & Ana Zuniga

     Mark & Kelly Holscher

     Miguel & Norma Morales

     Eddie & Michele Hilley

We will be putting together a Memory book and have information on how to place an ad in the booklet. Please take the information home and return it at your earliest convenience. If you know of a business' who might want to place an ad in the booklet, please take a paper and see if they would like to do that. This is a wonderful evening to congratulate people who have given so much to help the Parish. More information on tickets etc. will be given in the weeks ahead.


We have heard from Mildred Collin's family. The funeral arrangements are as follows. These were stipulated by Mildred in her will.


Visitation at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills

Thursday, Dec 17, 2009 from5:00pm - 9:00pm


Graveside Service at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills

Friday, December 18, 2009 at 11:00am


Memorial Mass at St Agatha

Saturday, December 19, 2009 at 10am


Please go to our website for more details,

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I would like to give a very big thank you to Joe and his team on the beautiful Advent environment in the Church. I understand that there was a donor who bought the purple velvet cloth. Thank you from all of us here at St. Agatha's.


There is a list of the Christmas Dinner Needs available after Masses today. Please bring non-perishable food items on Dec. 13 and 20th. Please do not bring used items until Dec. 19-23rd.


Next Sunday there will be a sale of items that were left from the Holiday boutique. There will also be new and slightly used clothing on sale in the Hall. All of the proceeds go to help us feed our guests on Christmas and for the Adopt A Family.


Our youth who are hoping to go to WYD in 2011 have items from Bethlehem on sale after Mass today. They will be selling these for the next couple of weeks. Your support goes to them as well as the artists in Bethlehem..


There is a delicious breakfast in the Hall being provided by our Quincinera candidates. Our Spirituality Committee also invite you to join them after the 8:30 and 10:00am Masses for a sharing on traditions and symbols of Advent.


I hope you can join us also for our Advent soup supper on the 14th where we will pray and reflect on the "O" Antiphons. It will be at 6:30pm in the Hall.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

NOV. 21ST -22ND

We have a second collection today for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. This money goes to organizations that help build leadership among peoples. LA VOICE, the group our parish belongs to, is one of these organizations.


Our Thanksgiving Mass will be at 10am this Thursday. We invite each family to bring the bread and wine they will share at their meal to the mass for a blessing.


S.H.A.R.E. ministry invites all to the Holiday Boutique today in the Hall. There are items for all pockets, starting at $1.00. Light lunch will be served until 3pm.

11:30-1:30pm Fr. Ken will be signing his books.

1:45pm Cookies and mile with Santa for children 8yrs. old and under. Donation of $1.00 is suggested.


Friday, November 6, 2009

NOV. 7-8TH

S.H.A.R.E. Ministry is requesting the donation of a filled Piñata for the Cookies and Milk visit with Santa during the Boutique. Please call the office if you can donate. Next Sunday is the last day to donate items for the Boutique. Please bring your donations to the table in the parking lot. Please read the bulletin for a list of activities during the Boutique.


The Peter Claver Awards dinner will be on Nov. 21st . We would like to have a table to support this ministry. If you would like to attend and can pay $35 for your ticket, the parish will pay the other part. You need to leave Sr. Karen a message today so she can order the tickets before we leave on the Rome Pilgrimage.


Please keep our Pilgrims in your prayers over the next two weeks as they travel to Italy and its holy places. You will all be remembered in their prayers.


Annie May Smith, the mother of Faye Mandell, passed away this week and her funeral will be on Monday, Nov. 9th at 11:30am at 2nd Baptist Church.



Saturday, October 24, 2009

OCT. 24TH-25TH

We are excited to announce our Car Raffle which kicks off this week-end. We have a beautiful new Yaris parked outside the Church for all to look at. This will be the model we will be raffling off at the Pastor's Award dinner at the end of Jan. The tickets are $2 each and we have books of 12 tickets for $20. We are asking each family to sell at least one book to help us raise the needed funds. At this time I would like to ask the Ushers to hand out books of tickets to those who raise their hands. Thank you for your support.


We will be having a Senior Court this year- this is open to anyone 60yrs or older!!! We would ask each of you to give the credit for your book to the candidate you would like to see win. If you would like to be a candidate, please go to the table by the car and sign up today.


Please bring your donations for the SHARE Boutique on Nov. 1 to the table in the parking lot. The SHARE ministry also needs 160 sandwiches for our guests on Sat. Oct. 31.  Please contact Margie.


Because of the flu pandemic that has hit our nation; we will refrain from offering the Blood of Christ until after the flu season.


Please read the bulletin for more exciting news of upcoming events.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

OCT. 17TH-18TH

Do you know the date of your Baptism? Well, on that day, you became a missionary, called by our Lord to share your faith with those around you – and to be part of the Church's mission to the world. Today, on World Mission Sunday, we have the opportunity to be part of the Church's mission in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Pacific Islands through our prayers and support offered to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. If you would like to make a monetary contribution, we will now take up a second collection for this purpose.


SHARE ministry will be accepting donations of clothing, empty ink cartridges, food etc. on Oct. 24 from 9:30am till 12noon. Metro bus vouchers will be available next Sunday at the table behind the Church. You may also bring donations for the St. Agatha Table for the Boutique.


Sign ups for the Blood Drive are going on at the table behind the Church today after all Masses.


The Saint Peter Claver Award's will be held on Saturday, Nov. 21st at the Cathedral. If you would like to be part of a St. Agatha Table, please let Sr. Karen know.


Because of the concern about Swine Flu, we will refrain from giving communion under both species until after the flu season. This will begin next week.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

OCT. 10TH-11TH

Today we celebrate Vocation Sunday. You are invited to visit the Hall for coffee and donuts and view a video from the Archdiocese on Priestly vocations. There is also a display with information about the Sisters of St. Louis and the Trinitarian Fathers.


There is information about Free Rainwater Harvesting in the bulletin and on the tables at the doors of the church. This is a great way to be conscious and helpful in the protection of our planet and our own immediate area.


Next Sunday we will begin taking sign ups for the Blood Drive on Nov. 1st. This will be our second one this year and hope that those who gave last time will sign up to give again.


On Oct. 24th, please join S.H.A.R.E. ministry in celebrating "making a difference Day" by donating soups, dry foods, canned goods and used clothing. Please bring these to the Parish Center on Oct. 24th between 9:30am and 12non.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

OCT. 3RD & 4TH

Space is still available for participation in the annual S.H.A.R.E. Ministry Holiday Boutique on Nov. 22nd. Please read the bulletin for details


If you would like to be a part of the St. Vincent de Paul society here at St. Agatha's, please check the bulletin for ways that you can participate. This is our way of reaching out to those in need who do not necessarily belong to our Church, but live near us.


Today, Sunday, don't miss out on our guest speaker, Margarita Flores, who will be sharing with us on "The Role of the Laity in the developing Church". She will be sharing with us at 2pm in the Hall.


Catholic Relief Services are collecting donations to help victims of Typhoon Ondoy and the recent Sunami. Please read the bulletin for the phone numbers and details on how you can help.


We have our own Ashley Merryman presenting her book in the Guadalupe Room after the 10am Mass. We have a limited number of books for sale and can take orders if others would like to order them. Please join us in the Hall.


We have breakfast at the hall, sponsored by the First Year Confirmation students.


Introduce Maggie at all masses.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


S.H.A.R.E. will have its next used clothing drive on Saturday, Oct. 24th. Please do not bring them on any other day or drop them off at the Rectory of Parish Office as we do not have storage place for them. Please check the bulletin for dates to bring used items.


Ashley Merryman will be with us next week, Oct. 4th, after the 10am Mass to talk to us about her book: "NurtureShock". We will have copies for purchase.


St Vincent de Paul Society is looking for three types of volunteers: Contributing Members, those who would like to help financially and with donations; Associated Members: for those who help with their physical presence organizing fundraisers and moving donated furniture; Active Members: for those who would like to participate in the Society's Board serving the need of persons and attend meetings. If you are interested, please see Gloria Walker at the end of the Mass.


Coffee and Donuts are in the hall after Mass today.



Saturday, September 19, 2009


There will be a day of prayer on the theme of Healing and Reconciliation for all parish ministers on Saturday, Sept. 26th from 10am till 2pm. Please read the bulletin for further details. I hope that many of you will take advantage of this day. It will be offered in English and Spanish.


Our Golden Agers are going to Apple Country on Oct. 16th . What a beautiful way to spend the day!! Look in the bulletin for more details.


Our St. Vincent de Paul Society is looking for volunteers. Please see the flyers being handed out today for details on how you could be involved.


We would like to welcome all our new parishioners who have registered either on line or with the envelopes in the pews. It is great to have you as part of our family. Please stop by and say hello to Fr. Bill, Sr. Karen and Deacon Ricardo so we can put faces to names.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

SEPT. 12-13

A big thank you to all who supported the dance last night. It was a great night and a financial help to the parish.


Adult education offerings start up this week with Bible Study on Wed. evenings at 7pm. You don't need to register, but just show up for the first class.


There will be a Day of Recollection for Parish Ministers and volunteers on Sat. Sept. 26. Please read the bulletin for details. I hope that you can take advantage of this opportunity.


The Sisters of St. Louis, the order that Sr. Karen belongs to, is celebrating their 60yr. anniversary of being in the United States. All are welcome to come and celebrate with the sisters at their first foundation, Nativity Church in El Monte on Oct. 24th.  If you would like to attend, please read the bulletin announcement for details.


There is an important notice in the bulletin about road work that will take place on Adams in early October. Please take note of this as parking in front of the church will not be available for two to four weeks.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


Children's dismissal of the word will begin on Sunday, Sept. 13 at the 10:00am Mass.


The office will be closed for lunch from 12:00-12:30 during the week and from 12:00 – 1:00 on Saturday. Please try to come during operating hours for business.


Religious Education classes begin on Saturday, Sept. 12th. Welcome back to all our returning students and a big welcome to our new students. Let us keep them all in prayer this year as they each grow in their knowledge and practice of their faith.


Don't forget the Recession Dance this coming Saturday, the 12th. Hope that many of you can join us for the fun, laughter and camaraderie. Tickets are for sale after Masses today.


The Office of Ethnic Ministry is sponsoring an ARCHDIOCESAN CELEBRATION OF CULTURES next Saturday, September 12. Event begins at 10am at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels followed by a Festival of Cultures.


Coffee and Donuts are in the Hall today.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

AUGUST 29th-30th

1. WE ARE HOLDING A "RECESSION DANCE" on Saturday, September 12, from 7 to 11 PM, in the parish hall. Tickets are $10, and we also need donations of beer, sodas, water, and corn chips and cheese for nachos. I think this will be a delightful way to kick off the autumn season and the rush of activities that always accompany this time of year as all committees and organizations come back from vacation and start to get busy. Come and have fun with us!


2. Discount vouchers for the Metro Bus are available today at the community table. 


3. We have donuts and coffee at the Parish Hall.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

AUGUST 22nd-23rd

1. WE ARE HOLDING A "RECESSION DANCE" on Saturday, September 12, from 7 to 11 PM, in the parish hall. Tickets are $10, and we also need donations of beer, sodas, water, and corn chips and cheese for nachos. I think this will be a delightful way to kick off the autumn season and the rush of activities that always accompany this time of year as all committees and organizations come back from vacation and start to get busy. Come and have fun with us!


2. If you are thinking of becoming a Catholic, or if you are already a Catholic and simply longing to deepen your faith, OR, if you are merely a spiritual seeker who is interested in learning something of the "inner path," then think about entering the RCIA program. The letters stand for: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. While it is designed for those seeking baptism, it IS an "initiation" into the spiritual life, and a good source of inspiration if your spiritual life is currently sort of stale. There is information in the hall, today, from 8 AM through 2 PM, or call the parish office.


3. The Holiday boutique will be held on Sunday, November 22, in the hall. Vendor space is available for those who do handcraft. If  you're interested call Margie whose # is in the bulletin.


 4. Don't miss the bulletin announcement of Fr. Ken's upcoming book signing on Sunday August, 30, from 1 to 3 PM at Chevaliers Book Store on Larchmont. Show up and surprise him!


5. Our second collection next weekend will be for the foreign missions. This is an annual collection that supports the Church's outreach to mission territories throughout the world.


6. Discount vouchers for the Metro Bus will be available next Sunday August 30.  A reminder for the parents of the children who will need to now take public transportation there are student discount tickets vouchers.  These vouchers are for Sept-Dec.  The next distribution date will be the last Sunday in October.


7. Thank you notes are in the bulletin from Margie Nickleberry regarding clothing donations for the children, Tére Amezcua regarding donations of materials for the religious education program, and from Gloria Walker regarding your wonderful support for the St. Vincent de Paul Society.


8. AND, our own Ms. Ashley Merryman, a member of the choir and the woman in charge of the  Tutoring Program has co-authored a book that will be featured on "Good Morning, America," "All Things Considered," "Newsweek," and "Nightline," to name a few. She'll be leaving on the 30th to start a series of appearances regarding the book. The book is called "Nurture Shock," and we will be asking her to do a presentation in the parish in October (we think…). So, hats off to Ashley! And please let us know what else is happening in our congregation. So many of us are so involved in arts and sciences, in politics and the justice system, in health care and education. Let your "Light Shine," and let us celebrate your successes with you!


9. Keep your eyes open for Fall Adult Ed offerings. Fr. Bill is offering a class in Bible in Spanish

and an English Bible Study session each week.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

AUGUST 15th-16th

1. WE ARE HOLDING A "RECESSION DANCE" on Saturday, September 12, from 7 to 11 PM, in the parish hall. Tickets are $10, and we also need donations of beer, sodas, water, and  corn chips and cheese for nachos. I think this will be a delightful way to kick off the autumn season and the rush of activities that always accompany this time of year as all committees and organizations come back from vacation and start to get busy. Come and have fun with us!



A very big thank you to all who have been participating in our regular Saturday outreach of food for the poor of the area. This week's bulletin Margie Nicklebury has put a complete list of those she is most grateful to for their consistent work. WE DO, however, HAVE A NEED FOR 160 Sandwiches for next Saturday's outreach. If you can help, let us know.


3. If you are thinking of becoming a Catholic, or if you are already a Catholic and simply longing to deepen your faith, OR, if you are merely a spiritual seeker who is interested in learning something of the "inner path," then think about entering the RCIA program. The letters stand for: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. While it is designed for those seeking baptism, it IS an "initiation" into the spiritual life, and a good source of inspiration if your spiritual life is currently sort of stale. There is information in the hall, today, from 8 AM through 2 PM, or call the parish office.


4. The Holiday boutique will be held on Sunday, November 22, in the hall. Vendor space is available for those who do handcraft. If  you're interested call Margie whose # is in the bulletin.


5. Don't miss the bulletin announcement of Fr. Ken's upcoming book signing on Sunday August, 30, from 1 to 3 PM at Chevaliers Book Store on Larchmont. Show up and surprise him!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

AUGUST 8th-9th

1. "NO BODY CAN DO EVERYTHING BUT EVERYBODY CAN DO SOMETHING." Please bring your clean gently used clothing donations to the PC Patio Saturday August 15.The Patio door will be open 9:15-12:30 to accept your donations.  Please do not leave in any other area and bring only on this date.  We really are in need of children's clothing, shoes, socks and school uniforms. Thank you.


2. There will be a very important meeting this coming Tuesday at Blessed Sacrament Church in Hollywood at 9:45am. It will be on Health Care Reform and we are very please to have Congressman Xavier Becerra with us. He is an advocate for Health Reform in the House and is also an advocate for immigration reform. We would like to let him know that LA VOICE is behind them in Washington, so we need to have a good representation from St. Agatha's. We have our Parish van that can hold seven people and perhaps some can car pool. Please let Fr. Bill, Deacon Ricardo or Tere Amezcua know if you can attend.


3. If you are thinking of becoming a Catholic, or if you are already a Catholic and simply longing to deepen your faith, OR, if you are merely a spiritual seeker who is interested in learning something of the "inner path," then think about entering the R.C.I.A. program. The letters stand for: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. While it is designed for those seeking baptism, it IS an "initiation" into the spiritual life, and a good source of inspiration if your spiritual life is currently sort of stale. There is information in the hall, today, from 8 AM through 2 PM, or call the parish office.


4. See the bulletin for the list of items you might want to consider donating for our religious education program for our children.


5. Don't miss the bulletin announcement of Fr. Ken's upcoming book signing on Sunday August 30, from 1 to 3 PM at Chevaliers Book Store on Larchmont. Show up and surprise him!


6. St Vincent de Paul is selling breakfast in the Parish Hall. Come and have a good time with your family.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

AUGUST 1st-2nd

1. Registration for religious education is taking place in the hall today, from 8 AM to 3 PM. Today is the last day to register for 1st Communion preparation. So, if you have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews or "3rd cousins twice removed" that should be registered for this sacrament, get them registered TODAY!


2. As Mrs. Margie Nickleberry always says: "Nobody can do everything but EVERYONE CAN DO SOMETHING!" So…it's  up to YOU! Please bring your school supplies donation for the children to the table in the parking lot today and next Sunday.


3. Metro bus discount vouchers are still available today at the table in the parking lot.


4. Next Sunday, St Vincent de Paul will be selling breakfast; please come with a good appetite.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


1. A BIG thank-you to all who attended our parish picnic and to all the volunteers and unsung heroes who made the day such a delightful success.


2. Today is the Blood Drive! If you have signed up to donate your blood, please go bleed in the hall immediately!!!!!!!!!!


3. We will be having registration for Religious Education today from 8 AM to 3 PM in Room 4 of the school. Register immediately or plan to spend a VERY long time in Purgatory!!!!!!


4. We are in need of "fill-in" money counters. We have just enough counters to cover our Masses, but if someone gets sick or goes on vacation, we are stuck, so would anyone be interested in filling in now and then? The job has awkward hours: it's on Sundays from @ 7:30 AM to 1 PM. This makes Mass attendance difficult and breakfast impossible, but it only would happen now and then. If interested, let Sr. Karen, Marcello, our business manager, Deacon Ricardo or Fr. Bill know.


5. Margie Nickleberry has the Metro bus ticket discount vouchers for those who need them.


6. And, we are collecting your donations of school supplies to pass on for Sophia Berkeley 's "Celebration of Education" packages at the table in the parking lot.


7. On Wednesday evening, the choir will be conducting its annual "Concert Under the Stars" as a fund-raiser for Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino. If you are able to attend, please do; this is a delightful evening, and one that benefits the retreat center that is so generous to our parish in giving us unbelievable discounts.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


1) We have a 2nd collection today for the advancement of Catholic evangelization through television, radio and print. Let's face it, we feel the heavy influence of a secular culture that at best merely pays lip-service to the values of spiritual and mental health. We need to find better ways of communicating the truth of our way of life. You can help through this simple collection.


2) The parish picnic is today from 10 AM to 5 PM in Veteran's Park in Culver City, at Culver and Overland. We are hoping to get most of us there, at least for a little while. Come to the park, brink a book, and enjoy the slower pace of friendship as you take the time to build spiritual health.


3) Since this weekend is the picnic, we are not offering registration for religious education this weekend. BUT, next weekend, and the weekend after that--July 26 and August 2, we will offer that registration for both First Communion and Confirmation--either in the school or in the hall--depending on what space is available. Registration for First Communion is $60, and registration for Confirmation is $110. Please bring baptismal and other necessary sacramental certificates to each registration. IF YOU, YOURSELF, DON'T HAVE A CHILD TO REGISTER, BUT WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A DONATION SO THAT A NEEDY CHILD CAN HAVE A COST BREAK, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COME AND MAKE THAT DONATION AT THE REGISTRATION TABLE.


4. Metro bus  ticket discount vouchers for August through  December are available next week,  If you did not pick up your vouchers in July please stop by the table in the parking lot next week..Please bring your donations of school supplies to pass on for Sophia Berkeley's Celebration of Education to the table in the parking lot next Saturday and Sunday.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 11-12, 2009

1. Today we will have a 2nd Collection for the needs of the St. Vincent de Paul outreach to the poor. It's unscheduled, and we understand if you're unprepared, but the needs are piling up and the funds are low, and this is a chance to help. Don't feel guilty if you can't, but if you can, we'll love you for it, and so will the poor!
2. NEXT SUNDAY—July 19—is our parish picnic at Veteran's Park, a very short distance away in Culver City, at Overland and Culver. It's from 11 AM to 5 PM. We still have sign ups available for our Community Table, and most of all, we want to see you there!
3. Registration for religious education is taking place in the hall today, from 8 AM to 3 PM. AND, be looking for offerings for adults, this year. We'll be doing more "days of recollection," and "theological update lectures," and "spiritual input workshops" throughout the year—all geared to adults.
4. The bulletin also has information re-presentation on Black Warriors during World War II, entitled, "The Buffalo Soldiers," which will be at St. Eugene's today from 5 to 9 PM.-------------and--------a retreat at St. Bernadette's on the 23rd Psalm from 8:30 AM to 1 PM at St. Bernadette's, on Saturday, July 18.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Our second collection today is for Peter's Pence, a collection that goes to Rome where the Pope uses it to help places around the world who are in emergency need.


Metro bus ticket vouchers will be available after all Masses today, Sunday, at the table behind the Church. These are valid from July-Dec.


Sign ups for the Blood Drive on July 26th begin today after all Masses. Please stop by the table and sign up to give. We will also have a Bone Marrow sign up on the day of the Blood Drive.


I hope to see many of you on Monday night at the Festival dinner. It begins at 7pm in the Hall.


Please check the bulletin for our change in office hours starting July 1st.

Friday, June 19, 2009

JUNE 20-21ST

Metro Bus discount vouchers for July-Dec. : for seniors, the disable, students, college students and regular riders, will be available at the table in the parking lot from 8:15 am-2 pm.


Gloria will be outside of Church today taking sign ups for the Picnic so we can coordinate the food. Please stop by and talk to her.


Please check the bulletin for the item we are asking the different ministries to bring to the Festival dinner on June 29th. This will also be an opportunity for you all to bid a fond farewell to Ana Ibarra, our DRE who will be leaving us at the end of June.


Registration for next years Religious Education classes will begin on July 5th. Please read the bulletin for details.


Thank you to those who filled out the pledge cards last week. If you were not able to do this last week, please take one today and hand it in with next weeks collections.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Metro us discount vouchers will be available for the June us pass at a table in the Placita after all Masses today.


We are in the final run for the Festival. Our candidates will be around after all the Masses today, so please stop by and buy a ticket from them if you can.


We are also looking for donations of: napkins, rolls and beer, in particular Taquate and Bud Light.


We are still looking for donations for the International Booths for Friday and Sat. please stop by the table if you can bring these things. If you have already signed up for donations, you can start bringing them this week to the Parish Offices.


Last chance to get those pre-ride tickets – you really save a great deal if you get them now.


We will be setting up the booths and stage on Tuesday from 6-8:30pm and could really use the help of lots of you men – young and not so young. Please come if you can.


The Parish Office will be closed on Monday to celebrate Memorial Day

Sunday, May 3, 2009


We are gathering the names of those who will be graduating from High School this year for a special celebration for them in June. Please stop by the Festival Table and give us names. Thank you.
I would like to invite ______________ to come forward to talk to you about our upcoming International Festival.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Today we have our second collection for the Cardinal McIntyre Fund. Thank you for whatever you can give.


We have sign ups today after all the masses for volunteers for the Festival. Please stop by the table at the back of Church to see what you can help with.


We have parents from Transfiguration School here today to hand out flyers about their school and answer questions you might have. Please stop by their table at the back of Church after Mass.


Marcia Lewis works at Santa Monica College and has job opportunities that some of our parishioners might life to take advantage of. There will be a paper at the back of church you can pick up with her email address. If you email her, she can send you job opportunities.


We would like to have a special day for our seniors in High School. If you know of anyone who will be graduating this year, please give us their name so we can acknowledge them this June. You can stop by the famous table at the back of Church and do that also!!


I'd like to introduce Gloria Walker who would like to tell you about a great fundraiser we are having for the Vincent de Paul Society.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Our Festival is fast approaching. You will find information on being a booth sponsor in the bulletin. You can tear the form out, fill it out and hand it in at the Festival table or mail it in. We will be having a drawing again this year for Disneyland tickets for those who sponsor a booth.

  Next week we will have out sheets for volunteers to sign up to help on the three days of the Festival. I hope many of you can come and help and then have time to enjoy the Festival as well.

Please keep reading the bulletin as we will add new things each week.



Please consider donating ride tickets for our S.H.A.R.E.  Saturday children guests for our up coming Festival.   The tickets are to be placed in an envelope mark to the attention of the S.H.A.R.E. Ministry and placed in the collection basket or brought to the PC Office. Thank you.



Please do not donate clothing unless we ask specifically for it. We do not have storage space for this. But we do have storage for canned goods.


As you can see, our hall has a new roof now. It will be finished by Monday. This has depleted our building fund account so we will need to refurbish this. We will speak more about this in the near future.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Please consider donating ride tickets for our S.H.A.R.E.  Saturday  children guests for our up coming Festival.   The tickets are to be placed in an envelope mark to the attention of the S.H.A.R.E. Ministry and placed in the collection  basket or brought to the PC Office. Thank you.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Easter Triduum


The Easter Triduum

April 9, 10, and 11, 2009

Holy Thursday, April 9, 2009


Mass of the Lord's Supper (bilingual)

Good Friday, April 10, 2009

12 Noon

Poetry and Promises on the Passion


Stations of the Cross


Solemn Good Friday Service (English)


Solemn Good Friday Service (Spanish)

Holy Saturday, April 11, 2009


The Great Easter Vigil (Bilingual)

Easter Saturday, April 12, 2009

8:30am and 10:00am


7:00am and 12:15pm


We will not have Mass at 5:30pm



Friday, April 3, 2009


We have pre-ride tickets available after all the Masses this week-end as well as extra raffle tickets if you did not receive a book over the last few week-end. Please visit the table at the back of Church today.


Our youth were selling See's Candy for Easter and they have some $5 eggs and other $5 items if you would like to pick up something today. They will be at the table at the back of the Church today.


Coffee and donuts are in the Hall this morning after Masses, please stop by and refresh yourselves!

Friday, March 27, 2009


Metro bus ticket discount coupon books for April, May and June are available today after all masses at the table in the parking lot. These will only be given out on the last Sunday each month.

S.H.A.R.E. ministry thanks all for the success and support of the Bake Sale. They will have Easter Baskets for children for $15 and Blessing Boxes for adults for $4.


We have some Sisters visiting us this week-end from Mexico. One of them is the Aunt of Enrique who works in the front office. They will be selling their religious articles today as a way of supporting their congregation. Please stop by their table after Mass at the back of the Church.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your response to our need to increase the collection. We have been able to increase it by 10% but need to raise it a bit more.

  Thank you also for your pledges to Together In Mission. We are only short $415. I hope that all of you will be able to make your pledges throughout these next 5 months as that will help us not have to pay extra to the fund. If anyone has not made a pledge and would like to, there are envelopes at the doors of the church.


Pre-ride tickets are available after Masses this week-end for the International Festival.

29 DE MARZO, 2009

Carnaval Internacional:

El Carnaval Internacional se llevara acabo el 29, 30 y 31 de Mayo. Ya tenemos los boletos de la rifa. Por favor vayan a la mesa de información para que obtengan un par de libros de boletos y nos ayuden a venderlos. Les pido que regresen el dinero y los boletos vendidos a la Oficina principal o pueden depositarlos en un sobre en la canasta el domingo. Cada libro tiene 26 boletos y solo tienen que entregar $25.00. Muchas gracias por su apoyo.

-         Hoy también tenemos disponibles boletos de pre-venta para los juegos mecánicos que tendremos durante el festival.


Campaña Unidos en Misión:

Quiero agradecerles por su apoyo y respuesta a nuestra necesidad de aumentar su diezmo. Gracias a su apoyo hemos incrementado un 10% pero aun nos falta un poco más. También agradecemos sus promesas a la Campaña Unidos en Misión. Solamente nos falta $415 para cumplir como parroquia. Espero que en estos próximos 5meses puedan honorar sus promesas a este fondo. Si aun no han hecho una promesa, hay sobres en las bancas para que lo hagan.


Anuncios del Ministerio SHARE:

El ministerio SHARE tiene boletos de descuento de transportación Metro HOY después de la misas. De ahora en adelante los boletos son validos por 3 meses.

-         El Ministerio también les agradece por el apoyo que recibieron a la venta de postres. Hoy estarán vendiendo canastas de pascua para niños a $15 y cajitas de bendiciones para adultos a $4.



Durante este fin de semana nos visitan unas Religiosas de México. Ellas estarán vendiendo objetos religiosos hoy después de las misas, para recaudar fondos para su congregación. Por favor apóyenlas.


Ministerio San Vicente de Pablo:

Recuerden que cada viernes el Ministerio San Vicente de Pablo esta vendiendo tacos de pescado o una cena completa de pescado comenzando a las 5:30pm.


Desayuno, Donas y Café:

Por favor apoyen la venta de desayuno, donas y café hoy después de misa. Los fondos se utilizaran para financiar los gastos del viacrucis.